Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Palestinian wall of lies



by Yoram Ettinger


1. President Obama's claim — enunciated during his June 4, 2009 speech at Cairo University — that "the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history [The Holocaust] that cannot be denied," ignores thoroughly-documented Jewish roots in the Land of Israel in general and in Judea & Samaria in particular.

2. World renowned travelers, historians and archeologists of earlier centuries, such as H. B. Tristram (The Land of Israel, 1865), Mark Twain (Innocents Abroad, 1867), R.A. MacAlister and Masterman ("Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly"), A.P. Stanley (Sinai and Palestine, 1887), E. Robinson and E. Smith (Biblical Researches in Palestine, 1841)), C.W. Van de Velde (Peise durch Syrien und Paletsinea, 1861), Felix Bovet (Voyage en Taire Sainte, 1864) — as well as Encyclopedia Britannica and official British and Ottoman records (until 1950) refer to "Judea and Samaria" and not to the "West Bank." The latter term was coined by the Jordanian occupation of Judea and Samaria following the 1948/9 War.

3. The term "Palestine" was established by Greek Historian Herodotus, and adopted by the Roman Empire, in an attempt to erase "Judea" from human memory. "Palestine" was a derivative of the biblical Philistines, arch rivals of the Jewish nation, non-Semites who migrated to the area from the Greek islands and from Phoenicia in the 12th century BCE (Plishtim — the invaders - is the Hebrew word for Philistines).

4. Most Arabs (Semites from the Arabian Peninsula), who reside between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, have their origin in a massive 19th-20th century migration from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and other Moslem countries.

5. Almost all Arab towns and villages in Judea and Samaria have retained biblical Jewish names, thus reaffirming Jewish roots there. For example:
  • A-Dura is biblical (and contemporary) Adora'yim, site of King Rehoboam's and a Maccabees' fortress. 
  • A-Ram is biblical Haramah, Prophet Samuel's birth and burial site.
  • Anata is biblical (and contemporary) Anatot, the dwelling of the Prophet Jeremiah.
  • Batir is biblical (and contemporary) Beitar, the headquarters of Bar Kochba, the leader of the Great Rebellion against the Roman Empire, which was crashed in 135CE.
  • Beit-hur is the biblical (and contemporary) Beit Horon, site of Judah the Maccabee's victory over the Assyrians.
  • Beitin is biblical (and contemporary) Bethel, a site of the Holy Ark and Prophet Samuel's court.
  • Bethlehem is mentioned 44 times in the Bible and is the birth place of King David.
  • Beit Jalla is biblical (and contemporary) Gilo, where Sennacherib set his camp, while besieging Jerusalem.
  • El-Jib is biblical (and contemporary) Gibeon, Joshua's battleground known for "Sun, stop thou in Gibeon and the moon in the valley of Ayalon," Joshua 10:12.
  • Hebron - named after Hevron, Moses' uncle and Levy's grandson — was King David's first capital for 7 years, the burial site of the 3 Jewish Patriarchs and 3 Jewish Matriarchs.
  • Jaba' is the biblical (and contemporary Geva, site of Jonathan's (son of King Saul) victory over the Philistines.
  • Jenin is the biblical (and contemporary) Ein Ganim, a Levite town within the tribe of Issachar.
  • Mukhmas is biblical (and contemporary) Mikhmash, residence of Jonathan the Maccabee and site of King Saul's fortress.
  • Seilun is biblical (and contemporary) Shilo, a site of Joshua's tabernacle and the Holy Ark and Samuel's youth.
  • Tequa' is biblical (and contemporary) Teqoah, hometown of the Prophet Amos and currently known for its home grown Ginger.
  • Etc. 
Are these sites "occupied" by the Jewish State or are they the epitome of Jewish moral high-ground and Statehood?



The public debate on the future of Judea and Samaria is top heavy with sound bites, but very low on serious examination of national security implications. Conventional wisdom suggests that ballistic missiles and advanced military technologies have undermined the importance of ground barriers, such as the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria. Is that true?

The US — which has the most sophisticated military power — operates more than 100 overseas military bases and installations, which control significant ground and waterways. Notwithstanding the nuclear and ballistic threats, the US recognizes the fact that all wars have been conventional. Hence, the critical role played by ground forces and ground barriers.

The October 2003 issue of the US Army's The Land Warfare Papers highlights the vital importance of ground forces and ground barriers: "During the Afghan campaign of 2002 [and Iraq's war of 2003], precision air strikes were critical, but they neither annihilated opposition nor finished the enemy...In the 1999 Kosovo conflict, the air war created the conditions for negotiation, but it was the ground forces that created stability....In 1995, in Serbia, the threat of airpower did not significantly deter Serbia. It took the ground forces to create the conditions for the Dayton Accords. In 1991, months of strike operations did not achieve a decision [in the Gulf War]. The four day ground war led to Iraqi surrender.... [In 1989, in Panama], the surrender of Noriega was the result of soldiers on the ground.... Ground forces can both destroy and occupy... sustain land dominance and achieve a lasting decision... Remote precision strikes will not achieve such capabilities...." Marine Corp General, J.N. Mattis, Commander of the US joint Forces Command, reiterated the aforementioned conclusions in his August 14, 2008 Memorandum.

Missiles destroy, but ground forces occupy and bring enemies to submission. Thousands of missiles would devastate Tel Aviv, but a few hundred Arab tanks in Israel's coastal plain would doom the Jewish State. Such an observation underlined assessments, made by US Generals, on the indispensability of the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria. For instance, Lt. General Tom Kelly, Chief of Operations in the 1991 Gulf War: "I could not defend this land [Israel] without that terrain [Judea and Samaria]... The West Bank Mountains, and especially their five approaches, are the critical terrain. If an enemy secures those passes, Jerusalem and Israel become uncovered. Without the West Bank, Israel is only 8 miles wide at its narrowest point. That makes it indefensible...."

On June 29, 1967, General Earl Wheeler, Chairman of the joint Chiefs-of-Staff, submitted to President Johnson a document on "The Minimum Requirements for Israel's Defense." According to Wheeler, the historical, geographic, topographic, political and military reality of the Middle East behooves Israel to control the mountain ridges of Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights. In fact, the dramatic technological upgrading of Arab military forces, since 1967, has made surprise offensive (e.g. 1973) swifter, ballistic missiles significantly more destructive and precise, population centers and IDF bases more vulnerable and the deployment of reservists (75% of Israel's military force!) much slower and problematic. Hence, the dramatically increasing importance of the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria in blocking and delaying a surprise invasion, providing Israel's reservists with more time for deployment (Without reservists, Israel would be lethally inferior to invading Arab forces).

100 US retired Generals and Admirals signed a public advertisement in October 1988, contending that Israel should not withdraw from Judea and Samaria — which could not be demilitarized effectively - lest it fails to provide security to its people. The late Admiral "Bud" Nance defined Judea and Samaria's eastern mountain ridge (3,000 foot steep slope), dominating the Jordan Valley, as "the most effective tank barrier" and the western mountain ridge (2,000 foot moderate slope), over-towering Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, as "a dream platform for invasion to the narrow coastal plain."
How vulnerable is pre-1967 Israel, which is dominated by Judea and Samaria topography, which is surrounded by a most violent, unstable, unpredictable and unreliable neighborhood, which has not experienced intra-Arab comprehensive peace or intra-Arab compliance with most agreements for the last 1,400 years, which has never tolerated wishful-thinking?

The width of the 8-16 mile sliver along the Mediterranean equals 1/90 of the width of Texas, the length of DFW Airport, the distance between JFK and La Guardia airports, between Wall Street and Columbia University and between the Pentagon and Mount Vernon, a round trip between RFK Stadium and Kennedy Center and less than the width of Miami, San Francisco and Washington, DC. During the 1995 Bosnia conflict, the US Army declared a 16 mile "Killing Zone," in order to secure the personal security of its soldiers. Would Israel's 8-16 mile pre-1967 waistline suffice to secure the national security of the people of the Jewish State?

Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is a consultant on US-Israel relations as well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem Cloakroom series of reports. Contact him at

This essay is archived at,7340,L-3746153,00.html 

This essay is composed of two separate essays. Part i was published as "Jewish Occupation Or Roots In Judea And Samaria?" July 31, 2009 as Jerusalem Cloakroom #226. Part ii was published as "Judea And Samaria -- A Wake Up Call" August 8, 2009 in News1


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Thank you, Newt Gingrich!

Thank you, Newt Gingrich (ISRAEL HAYOM OP-ED) Dr. Haim Shine 12/12/11) Source:    

Leading Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich recently said that the Palestinians were an "invented" people. Some say that the "invention" of the Palestinians is more dangerous than the explosives invented by Alfred Nobel.
It blows up buses, murders entire families while they celebrate Passover and slays youngsters waiting to enter a nightclub. Ironically, it is for this invention that Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Gingrich is not the first person to express this simple truth. Golda Meir said it before him, sparking a deluge of contempt from the Left, accusing her of arrogance and superficial thinking. I am convinced that Gingrich too will not be spared the contempt of Democratic liberal Jews who always seem to know better than Israelis what is best for Israel.
The Morning Song by Amir Gilboa that states, "Suddenly a man wakes up in the morning, he feels he is a nation, and he begins to walk," is wrong. Certainly in reference to a group of people that calls out "Allahu Akbar" every time they see a Jew. A feeling is not enough to constitute a nation. Several other objective conditions need to be met.
The Palestinians are not a nation, they never were, nor will they be in the future. They have one collective objective: to destroy the Jewish state and reclaim its land for the Arabs, who have more than 20 countries between them. All through modern history the Palestinians have repeatedly rejected any deal that would recognize Israel as a Jewish state or provide two states for two peoples. So it was with the Camp David autonomy plan, with the Oslo Accords and in response to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu´s Bar-Ilan speech [in which he endorsed a two-state solution].
It is important that the world be made aware, as Israel´s citizens are aware, that the Arabs known as Palestinians have no unique characteristics that could unite them ethnically, historically, religiously or linguistically. The people known as Palestinians are in no way different from the Arab people inhabiting the entire Middle East. Their religion is Islam, their language is Arabic and their ancestry is the same. The people who call themselves Palestinian are descendants of Bedouin tribes that migrated to Israel mainly in the 18th and 19th centuries and settled in different areas of the land.
Between the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 and up until the 1967 Six-Day War the Palestinians showed no real interest in founding a sovereign Palestinian nation. In Judea and Samaria they viewed themselves as loyal citizens of Jordan and in Gaza they saw themselves as Egyptians. In 1964, when the Palestinian Liberation Organization was established, none of the founders spoke about a Palestinian state. The organization´s only goal was to annihilate the state of Israel.
On November 15, 1988, when PLO leaders announced the establishment of a Palestinian state, their declaration of independence said "The state of Palestine is an Arab state, an integral and indivisible part of the Arab nation, at one with that nation in heritage and civilization, with it also in its aspiration for liberation, progress, democracy and unity."  

This serves as the most reliable proof that there is no such thing as a Palestinian people.
Even after the Oslo Accords in 1993, PLO leaders insisted on a two- phase objective: removal of the Zionist enemy and Arab reunification – at the expense of the state of Israel.
Thank you Newt Gingrich for the concise and informative lesson in modern history. Fortunately, nowadays, more and more people are recognizing the link between leadership and truth.

Fatah Central Committee member Zaki: "Goal is end of Israel," but "you can't say that to the world"


Professor Azmi Bishara: There Is No "Palestinian Nation", Never Was ! 


Lebanese Writer says Jordan is the Palestinian state 


Friday, December 9, 2011

ramallah nights.

Piscine Grand Park Hotel @ Ramallah, Palestine

Al-Ghadeer, Ramallah ضاحية الغدير, رام الله

Rock and roll in Ramallah (NBC)

Investors set sights on Ramallah

Rawabi - A City to Live, Work and Grow

Urban Bus Tour, DCE Ramallah

Israeli Businesspersons visit in Ramallah

Photos of Royal Court Suite Hotel, Ramallah
This photo of Royal Court Suite Hotel is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Royal Court Suite Hotel in Ramallah. Near many fine restaurants

Historic PLO vote did not change PLO Charter calling for Israel’s destruction

PLO did not remove denial of Israel from charter Historic vote of Palestinian National Council meant to fulfill PLO obligation under Oslo Accords to amend articles in PLO Charter calling for Israel's destruction

Before vote:

Salim Za'noun, Chairman of meeting: "[Goal of vote is] an extension of 6 months… and then the Central Committee will discuss it [amending the articles]."

"I want to tell you before the voting begins that the judicial committee, when I attended it, was totally convinced, with a majority of 43 out of 44 members, that we must fulfill the commitment demanded of us [by Oslo Accords] at the lowest possible cost. Therefore, it was said, if we amend those articles [calling for Israel's destruction] whose amendment is demanded [by Oslo Accords] it will mean that we have paid a very high price.

Putting forth a new proposal for the national charter is less damaging than the first thing [amending articles]. But, to go into details [as to why it is less damaging] will be a free service [to Israel]. So the version which was drafted is the least damaging that we could submit. It gives us an extension of six months until the [PLO] Central Committee convenes. And then the Central Committee will discuss [amending articles]. And it's within its rights to say: 'We leave it for the National Council [to amend].'

Brothers, with all my heart I tell you, the draft which is in your hands is the best one to be presented to the Palestinian people regarding the commitment. And a special majority of two-thirds is needed.

Yasser Arafat: Everyone here, believe me, is more than you and me, and more than Abu Alaa. Everyone is more responsible than us.

Salim Za'noun: Brothers: whoever agrees to this proposal - raise his hand and leave it up until the counting ends."

After the vote:

Marwan Kanafani, Arafat spokesman: "It's not an amendment. It is a license to start a new, to found a new resolution, a new charter."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Palestinian Mistakes. Resolution 181

The United Nations Resolution 181 on november 29  1947 called for a creation of an Arab state and a JEWISH STATE.   Now today the Palestinians categorically reject to accept Israel as a JEWISH state, even though that is EXACTLY what the United Nations agreed upon in 1947 !!

Mark Bonokoski & Nina Shea: Saudis export anti-Christian and anti-Jewish textbooks across the world

Monday, December 5, 2011

Deputy rector of Al azar University calls Jews offsprings of pigs & apes

Al-Azar is the Central  (Global) Academy for Islam in Egypt and in the World!   There is NO higher Learning Center in Islam and words spoken by its imams and teachers is considered law in main-stream Islam!

ALL Norwegian Rapists in 2010 Were Muslim Immigrants -

Israel Considers Joining US-Led Maritime Coalition

Amazon 1) Jerusalem is considering the option of joining the U.S. led coalition to block hostile Iranian activities in the strait of Hormuz...